Not a Void Deck
Void Deck, Kaki Bukit
Not A Void Deck was a 3-month long project where I worked closely with social workers from Youth GO! and students from Ngee Ann Polytechnic to engage at-risk youths in art workshops. It was an opportunity for relationships to nurture, and individuals to grow into themselves as they slowly understood themselves better.
The team popped-up at void decks at various locations in the East of Singapore. During these weekly night sessions, Mary took them through a series of drawing exercises to ease them into a safe space where they felt comfortable thinking, feeling and expressing. The focus was on the Self where they were asked questions such as how they see themselves in relation to their lived environment, to the relationships they share with their friends, family and loved ones, and how they see themselves in the Now. These Self-Impressions are reflective of their dreams, hopes, aspirations and struggles.
Not a Void Deck finally culminated in a showcase at one of the void decks in Kaki Bukit and the public was invited to share in the experience of understanding our youths in the way they want to be understood. It was heartwarming to witness people from all walks of life slow down to appreciate and listen to these voices that are often unheard and may go untold.
These are the voices of our youth, and they deserve to be heard.